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Real estate marketing: The wholistic approach

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As a Realtor, you’ve been told how crucial it is to market yourself and your business, but what exactly does that mean and how does one go about it? There are so many different elements to marketing, how do you know where to start? Social media? Social ads? Video marketing? SEO? Where do you start and which strategy is most effective?

A wholistic approach that combines various elements of marketing ensures optimal results. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach and there is no “one best way” to market yourself and your business. Various online tactics and strategies work together and complement one another and the end result? A strong digital presence.

Here are a few strategies to consider:

Social media:

Social media is essential to real estate marketing. In an industry based on trust, loyalty and customer relations, it is the No. 1 tool for getting your name out there and building relationships. When used effectively, it can optimize your online presence and elevate trust and credibility, which helps you secure and retain clients. It also has the power to improve the top of your funnel; to build awareness and increase your exposure.

Social ads:

While social media posts are great for brand exposure, social ads have become crucial for both targeting and awareness. Over time, organic reach has decreased exponentially. What does that mean? If you are creating content and posting, but you do not have an engaged or well-followed platform, about five to seven per cent of your followers actually see your posts. Social platforms like Facebook and Instagram compel brands and businesses to pay for space in a user’s newsfeed to be found. Without ads, your content may reach a very small percentage of your following.

Email campaigns and database management:

Next, it’s important to dedicate some of your marketing efforts to the middle of your funnel. These are people who know about your brand and are considering inquiring for more information or hiring you.

One of the best ways to nurture these leads is through email campaigns and database management. Let’s say you have an opt-in form on your website where visitors can receive new listings in their desired area each week. Once they have given you their email address, it’s your job to nurture them through your funnel with value-driven emails.

No matter the size of your database, effective marketing brings each person through your funnel at their own pace. You never want to be pushy, but always provide more value than expected.

Google Ads:

If you’ve never used Google Ads before, they can seem intimidating, but they are actually quite simple and effective. Pay-per-click advertising is a system in which advertisers (you) bid to have your ads shown to a relevant audience while they are searching.

Whereas social ads are all about exposure and retargeting, Google Ads hits people while they are conducting their search.

When Google shows your ads to this audience (the people who are using the search keywords you bid on), you have an opportunity to entice them to click your ad. This can be a lucrative way to generate new leads and build brand exposure.

Ongoing networking:

Alongside the digital side of marketing, you must continue doing what Realtors are known for: networking. Your social skills are immensely valuable to your marketing, so continue to build relationships with your leads. Meet for lunch (when it’s safe to do so), send personalized emails, wish them well on their birthdays or other big milestones.

When a wholistic approach is taken to real estate marketing, the series of initiatives you take complement each other, making your overall marketing plan stronger and more effective.

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