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Dan St. Yves: If new listings had critics to review them

Dan St. Yves: If new listings had critics to review them

It strikes me that so many things we partake in often take advantage of professional critics or reviewers, upon early access.  Look at movies, books, theatre productions and concerts. In all those examples, experts in their fields weigh in with their opinions on what...
Dan St. Yves: Random thoughts return (sorry…)

Dan St. Yves: Random thoughts return (sorry…)

Over the years, I think I’ve had two columns here exploring random thoughts, things that just scamper around upstairs in my head, only to wake me up late at night to wonder if other people think these sorts of things as well. Likely not, but here’s a few more for you...
Dan St. Ives: It’s a new year! (Updated 2022)

Dan St. Ives: It’s a new year! (Updated 2022)

Today’s column is recycled – it first appeared here back in 2008. I figured it might be a good time to dust it off and update it a bit, given that I’m so far behind on my holiday streaming viewing. And my holiday baking consumption. 2022! Another new year, another...
Dan St. Yves: Holiday listings

Dan St. Yves: Holiday listings

It’s that time of year again, wherein I’m kept so busy repairing the Christmas decorations that my cat has batted off of every impossible-to-reach space on my walls and shelves, that I need to get creative here in this column space. As in impromptu and hasty versus...