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3 ways to maximize your email marketing

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If you’re using email to market to past clients and current prospects, congratulations! It may be time consuming, but it’s worthwhile. It really is the best channel we have to reach everybody we know.

What if you could get even more out of your email marketing in three easy steps?

You may be asking, why do I need to do that? I did the work of creating and sending the email, isn’t that enough?

Here’s the reality: although the email is going out to everybody in your database, the average open rate for a real estate marketing email is 22 per cent.  If you’re getting better results than that, fantastic. If your open rate is lower than that, let’s talk.

So how do you reach more people, get more clicks, start more conversations?

Step 1: Reach more of your existing contacts

No matter how amazing your email is, there are going to be people who don’t open it the first time around. Re-sending the email to people who didn’t open it with a different subject line or at a different time results in more people reading your email. In Constant Contact, this can be set to go a second time to the “unopens” automatically when you schedule the email. In MailChimp, it has to be done manually, but it’s only a couple of steps.

Step 2: Get social

Post your email on your social media. Audiences are really segmented now. Even if you’re getting a 50-per-cent open rate for your email, there may be people on your list who are connected to you on LinkedIn and that’s where they’re spending their time online. Software like MailChimp and Constant Contact will automate this for you – just link your accounts. (I told you these steps were easy!)

Step 3: Post your email newsletter on your website

If you’re with one of the companies that offers templated websites for Realtors, they’ll have a blog page you can access and post your email (some of them will do it for you). The software you’re using should provide a link that you can use. The benefit is that not only will you reach people who are visiting your site, you can direct potential subscribers to this page so they have a preview of the interesting emails you’re sending, which should motivate them to sign up!

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